FUCYDA Evangelism in Rural Areas


Fuel saving stves used in the rural areas/homesteads



Sensitising rural communities on, FUCYDA programs, Agricultural projects, Solar energy and fuel saving stoves in a drama


Up in the highlands on Mt. Elgon. Homes like these leave no any energy source except to use solar power energy because they they are very far from Hydro Power lines


An assessment team holding a seminar in Mbale about conserving Mt. Elgon Forest and improvement of suply of energy through solar energy and fuel saving stoves

Demonstration of Solar drier at work


Installation of Solar Water Pump


Installing a solar system in Budaka District on a health Centre



An Agricultural Workshop team visiting a nearby farm of one of the youths in Mbale Dis


Distribution of fuel saving stoves to marketing cent


Explanation of Solar Drier instructions to staff and community members

Mounting solar pannels in a rural primary school


Solar Seminar in progress



An assessment team holding a seminar in Mbale about conserving Mt. Elgon Forest and improvement of suply of energy through solar energy and fuel saving stoves

Training taking place on a farm in Mbale District


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